Wong and Meas Restaurant Co.,Ltd

About Us
Introducing Emperors Char Chaan Teng: A Fusion of Hong Kong Flavors and Western Delights.
Emperors Char Chaan Teng is a Hong Kong-style restaurant serving Hong Kong cuisine and Western-style food. Our menu pays homage to traditional Hong Kong fare while incorporating a modern twist. The menu at Emperors Char Chaan Teng is a delightful blend of Chinese and Western cuisines, offering a wide variety of dishes to satisfy every palate. Our guests can expect to indulge in Cantonese dim sum, heartwarming Hong Kong-style congee, noodles, and freshly baked goods alongside Western-inspired dishes like pasta and toast. One of the most iconic Emperors Char Chaan Teng drinks is Hong Kong-style milk tea, or "silk-stocking milk tea." which is synonymous with Char Chaan Teng culture.
Contact Us
TK Central, 3rd floor
No.12 Samdach Penn Nouth St. (289), Phnom Penh
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
7:00 am – 7:00 pm